Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Whatchoo Eatin?

Proposed introduction to Otter's and my joint food history/education project:

This project is an endeavor to educate ourselves and each other about the stuff we all eat.
This isn't to suggest we all eat the same stuff.
Not by a long shot.
This is to suggest that, amidst the gamut of worldwide gustatory experience, we do crash into each other's mouths a lot more often than most of us think.
We are related by a whole string of culinary coincidences, a zillion different people peppered along a chain of sociopolitical, economic, religious, you-name-it events in which food has often been our only common bond.
What we aim to do is illustrate how we're formed and connected by a very basic, very necessary understanding:

We need to eat.

The Ways and Whys and Hows of our eating proclivities are the places where all the really interesting stuff comes in. Those are the places that teach us about each other and ourselves. There are old folks and young kids and everyone in between, scattered all over the globe, who are inventing new ways with food and/or sustaining ancient traditions, many of which are rapidly disappearing in our "free-traded" world. We love learning about, and challenging, sacrosanct truths concerning food and diet, and some of the best ways we've found to do that is by, flat-out, asking questions of absolutely everyone about absolutely everything food-related. We encourage you to do the same.

Hell, we demand it.

We love food. We absolutely, passionately adore flavor. We will eat damned near anything and are attracted by everything from home-grown vegetables and wild-gathered fungus, to alligator backstrap and duck-stuffed Javalina. When it comes right down to it...

We just love to eat,
We love to feed people,
And we love to learn about food:why we eat what we eat.

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