Saturday, February 12, 2005

Invitation to a Brainfucking

Gentlemen, it is high time we began convening for semi-regular skull-fuckings!

We are all, we six, aware of the benefits of mutually passionate brain battering and, as primates conscious of our own evolution (a genetic, miasthmatic, monkeymeat casserole turning -O my hope!- into ameliorated starshine), it is our pride-borne duty to set verbal matches to our collective cerebral vitriol, to crack open our uncouth cakeholes, masticate each others' meninges, and enflame the cardboard setee beneath the spreading ass of our Eternal Muse!

Before any of you even consider giving me lame excuses ("I'm busy! I've gotta work/study/get laid/go drinking with my buddies!"), understand this: excuses and laziness are also forms of willful ignorance and thus, goddamned abominations...and I know because I am an unparalleled talent in both excuses and laziness.

So (that said), when do you all want to meet for alcoholic beverages and sparkly-eyed, pointy-toothed, popularly inappropriate, boisterous public conversation about every taboo we can possibly fist into our gaping mouths?

This is me grabbing you by your hair and dragging your flaky asses into something you'll thank me for later. :)

I love, love, love you and will still kick your asses!

waving and grinning,

rum doxy

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