Friday, September 21, 2007

Fuck You, Kitchen!

I may have made it out this time.


I'm painting for income and loving, loving, loving it. I have absolutely no emotional attachment to it. I can come home with a clean conscience. I am not prepared to fight to the seeping marrow for my "painting ideals." I am free...

I am free to cook, to bake in the ways I believe are right and true. Free to feed people--all people, not just the few who can afford it--as I believe they should be fed: with love.

So, fuck you, commercial kitchen! I hope I don't cross your path for a good, long while.


Anonymous said...

well, good! Fuck that kitchen, fuck it right in the ear.

Whatcha paintin'?


Rum Doxy said...

painting private houses and businesses and stuff. at least the work continually changes. :)