Sunday, August 31, 2008

Shifty-Eyed Gustav

Okay, I'm starting to get a little nervous.
I can feel the atmospheric changes getting started.
Temperature's dropped from sweltering to "I need a long-sleeved shirt."
This does not look like it's veering westward.
It's headed right for us, which, for reasons I've stated before,
does not necessarily mean we're in for it.

Me and Otter, I mean.
In our specific abode.
Surrounded by 200+ year old brick, several feet thick,
here on the second and third storeys, above the carriageway,
with a generator,
propane and charcoal setups for afterstorm cooking,
with two refrigerators worth of food for ourselves +.
With gobs of water and plenty for the kitties.
I'm starting to really worry about everyone else that's still in town for Gustav.
I'm starting to get a little anxious about the aftermath.

Not so worried about the storm, really.

But the aftermath....

...Please don't let there be too many dead people.

Please don't let these beautiful people lose what they have left,
the birthright crafted so perfectly,
so magically,
from their own blood and history.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep us posted!

Reading anxiously,